Remote Viewing Software: The Key to Profitability | Alexis Champion

Remote Viewing Software: The Key to Profitability

Alexis Champion

As with any technology seeking to position itself in a growing business, Remote Viewing (RV) faces the fundamental challenges of feasibility and profitability. The lack of RV software tools that could enhance the effectiveness of work in this field could be due to the fact that there are few software developers operating in the world of RV. IRIS Intuition Consulting saw the opportunity to take-on the challenge and invested in an R&D program dedicated to the development of RV software.

In 2010 nearly $19,000 was allocated to research, and the iCAT session analysis software tool (using a crosschecking method) was created. This multipurpose software works on session transcripts, identifies any and all unitary information (concepts), defines sorting categories while sorting, and for projects involving more than one viewer, crosschecks through the different categories. iCAT has enabled the IRIS team to work almost ten times faster than when they were using MS-Excel. This significant time saving frees up the analyst to better concentrate on both the details and scope of data. Thus, project delivery times, quantity of data, and quality of RV projects have all been enhanced. All IRIS’ clients benefit from this increased effectiveness and each project has become profitable. In addition, a surprising effect was noticed: as the software developed in functionality and speed of operation, the amount of information generated by the viewers increased to such a level that by September 2010, the maximum amount of time allotted to each session was decreased.

Today IRIS has embarked on another R&D project to develop a web platform so that session work can be recorded with related statistical information, and with automatic computer analysis of the session. The implementation of this web platform will help improve the training process of viewers and offer other types of valuable services to viewers whether they are professionals, amateurs, or in training. The platform could eventually define and become the international database standard for RV.

Bio: Alexis Champion holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science with a specialty in Artificial Intelligence. He is the Founder and Director of IRIS Intuition Consulting, and President of IRIS-PA a non-profit organization. From 1997 to 2003 he worked as a researcher in artificial intelligence for both corporations and governmental labs, and as a software consultant for the French Transportation industry. He has authored several internationally published articles in the fields of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and transportation, and lectures in various countries to include Europe, USA, China and Australia. He has been operational for many years in remote viewing (ERV, GRV), classic and technical dowsing, and has been trained in Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) by the original military viewers Paul H. Smith and Lyn Buchanan

Recorded at the 30th annual SSE Conference in 2011 at the Millennium Harvest House in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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Published on November 12, 2018
