Topics identified in 5 or more interviews
Topics By Frequency
- paranormal 5280
- psychic 5186
- science 5184
- consciousness 5162
- remote viewing 3639
- spirituality 3594
- mediumship 3563
- near-death experience 3545
- Skeptiko 3504
- Christianity 3502
- NDE 3498
- religion 3494
- telepathy 3484
- Atheism 3478
- psi 3474
- ESP 3412
- parapsychology 3384
- Discussion 1977
- occult 1952
- quantum physics 1829
- reincarnation 1827
- psychology 1812
- Rupert Sheldrake 1782
- psychedelics 1775
- Buddhism 1775
- research 1771
- meditation 1767
- ufo 1764
- Ingo Swann 1762
- materialism 1759
- mediums 1752
- gnosticism 1751
- spiritualism 1750
- psychics 1749
- after death communication 1749
- alien 1747
- atheist 1746
- community 1745
- past-lives 1745
- Scientist 1745
- OBE 1744
- experiment 1744
- Scepticism 1744
- podcast 1744
- interview 1744
- Russell Targ 1743
- claims about the paranormal 1742
- Alex Tsakiris 1742
- radio 1742
- 1742
- clearvoyance 1742
- dogma 1742
- researcher 1742
- author 1742
- book 1742
- New York Times bestseller 1742
- alternative medicine 1740
- neuroscience 1740
- conspiracy theories 1739
- Skepticism 1739
- Contact Experience 1737
- Medical Research 1737
- magic 1721
- history 1703
- trance 1700
- Books 1698
- Paul H Smith 1692
- Gladys Osborne Leonard 1682
- Star Gate 1680
- Harold E. Puthoff 1679
- oracles 1678
- Neoplatonism 1678
- Consciousness (Taxonomy Subject) 1678
- Historiography 1676
- Greece 1675
- ions 1674
- E.R. Dodds 1674
- Reading 1674
- transpersonal 1673
- mrs. leonard 1672
- Ancient Greece 1672
- psychic spies 1671
- Extrasensory Perception (Character Power) 1671
- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) (Organization) 1671
- Psychic (Word) 1671
- Defense Intelligence Agency (Government Agency) 1671
- Remote Viewing (Type Of Paranormal Ability) 1671
- Telepathy (Type Of Paranormal Ability) 1671
- Clairvoyance (Type Of Paranormal Ability) 1671
- Noetic 1670
- Sciences 1670
- mystical 1669
- experience 1669
- skeptical 1669
- SSE 1441
- society for scientific research 1438
- new paradigm 1438
- scientific mysteries 1438
- new science 1432
- Institute for Noetic Sciences 1417
- esotericism 920
- academic 830
- God 348
- supernatural 326
- evidence 316
- demons 315
- religious fundamentalism 306
- bi-hemispheric brain model 306
- Christopher Senn 306
- Abrahamic traditions 306
- scientific context 306
- reframe 306
- supernatural entities 306
- human 306
- scientific 306
- suspicion 306
- paganism 271
- witchcraft 235
- shamanism 214
- free will 179
- meaning 172
- Purpose 172
- Carl Jung 168
- psi data 166
- scientific theories 166
- quantum ground 166
- nonlocal space 166
- self-organizing properties 166
- holistic experience 166
- magick 165
- altered states of consciousness 147
- sleep paralysis 143
- William James 136
- Hermeticism 136
- paranormal phenomena 129
- Hallucinations 128
- extraordinary experiences 127
- questionnaire 127
- belief in the supernatural 127
- emotion factors 127
- factor analysis 127
- Wicca 126
- esoterica 122
- Aleister Crowley 118
- Parapsychology Foundation 114
- healing 107
- thelema 105
- psi research 102
- psychokinesis 101
- Arthur M. Young 98
- Dean Radin 95
- Crowley 94
- Taoism 94
- Ted Owens 93
- lao tzu 93
- Whitley Strieber 92
- pagan 92
- precognition 87
- Charles Tart 85
- Rudolf Steiner 84
- exceptional experiences 84
- Ontological Potentiae 84
- Psychic Capabilities 84
- Untying the Gordian Knot 84
- potentiae 84
- space-time 84
- pre-space order 84
- classical physics 84
- Logoi framework 84
- Micro-PK 83
- philosophy 82
- Psychical Research Foundation 81
- Hal Puthoff 80
- Parapsychology Online 79
- taoism the philosophy of flow 78
- J. B. Rhine 77
- Theosophy 77
- PK research 77
- mind over matter 77
- mind-body relationship 77
- influence on objects 77
- electrostatic phenomena 77
- distant object influence 77
- gaussmeter effect 77
- remote-control phenomena 77
- meditative influence 77
- physiological measurements 77
- ParaMOOC2023 76
- daoism 75
- PK Man 74
- postmortem survival 74
- religious studies 74
- tao 74
- Ian Stevenson 73
- apparitions 73
- consciousness research 73
- Jacques Vallee 71
- Alan Watts 71
- left hand path 71
- Goethe 68
- chaos magick 68
- Qualitative Analysis 68
- Tao Te Ching 67
- ghost hunting 67
- Case Study 67
- anomalous phenomena 67
- Jeffrey Kripal 66
- Lucifer 66
- wiccan 65
- Apport Phenomenon 65
- Scientific Inquiry 65
- upide 65
- cisc 65
- quantitative 65
- apport 65
- asport 65
- coins 65
- parapsicologia 65
- UFOs 64
- William Blake 64
- hauntings 64
- Synchronicity 63
- Bernardo Kastrup 63
- W. B. Yeats 61
- Raymond Moody 60
- mysticism 57
- Bryan J Williams 57
- field investigations in scientific parapsychology 57
- Aldous Huxley 56
- Satan 53
- Survival 53
- Jung 52
- Golden Dawn 52
- Sigmund Freud 51
- intuition 50
- Uri Geller 50
- Kabbalah 49
- love 49
- Extra-Sensory Perception 49
- Robert Monroe 48
- yoga 48
- John Lilly 48
- Swedenborg 48
- Joe McMoneagle 47
- PK 47
- dreams 45
- Huston Smith 45
- Gerald Gardner 45
- near death experiences 44
- Zhuangzi 44
- Stanislav Grof 43
- afterlife 43
- Abraham Maslow 43
- Blavatsky 43
- Satanism 43
- Frederic Myers 43
- Plato 43
- Gurdjieff 42
- chakras 42
- tantra 42
- Freud 41
- Paracelsus 41
- idealism 40
- Timothy Leary 40
- John Dee 40
- possession 40
- Charles Upton 40
- John Mack 39
- what is taoism 39
- Nietzsche 38
- Stephen Braude 38
- Ibn Arabi 38
- psychical research 37
- archetypes 37
- Henry Corbin 37
- Joseph Campbell 37
- Suhrawardi 37
- Eastern philosophy 37
- clairvoyance 36
- H. G. Wells 36
- Edgar Cayce 36
- dao de jing 36
- taoism documentary 36
- taoism the art of not trying 36
- lao tzu tao te ching 36
- lao tzu philosophy 36
- lao tzu quotes 36
- tao te ching chapter 36
- tao te ching explained 36
- laozi philosophy 36
- chung tzu 36
- zhuangzi philosophy 36
- zhuangzi audiobook 36
- zhuangzi butterfly 36
- tai chi for beginners step by step 36
- taiji 36
- way of taoism 36
- the way of tao alan watts 36
- taoist way of letting go 36
- taoism audiobook 36
- wuwei 36
- Chuang Tzu 36
- Stephan Schwartz 35
- Anton LaVey 34
- enlightenment 34
- Dalai Lama 34
- Robert Anton Wilson 34
- trauma 34
- esotericism explained 34
- Terence McKenna 33
- Sir WIlliam Crookes 33
- Teilhard de Chardin 33
- J. D. Bernal 33
- the power of letting go 33
- The PK Man 32
- Lyn Buchanan 32
- Red Book 32
- laveyan satanism 32
- islamicate occultism 32
- islamic occultism 32
- islam and magic 32
- islamicate occult sciences 32
- islamic alchemy 32
- Andrija Puharich 31
- poltergeists 31
- devil 31
- satanic 31
- Colin Wilson 30
- Jean Houston 30
- P. K. Dick 30
- kundalini 30
- Eben Alexander 30
- James Joyce 30
- collective unconscious 29
- Wolfgang Pauli 29
- Michael Murphy 29
- death 29
- life 29
- ai 29
- Donald Hoffman 28
- Stanley Krippner 28
- mental health 28
- Occultism 28
- Mythology 28
- Society for Psychical Research 27
- aliens 27
- Einstein 27
- angels 27
- Aurobindo 27
- Jacob Boehme 27
- upanishads 27
- Fourth Way 27
- Bruce Greyson 26
- Descartes 26
- physics 26
- poltergeist 26
- Robert Boyle 26
- psi phenomena 26
- ParapsychologyOnline 26
- is magic real 26
- Real Magic 26
- perennial philosophy 25
- survival after death 25
- Ram Dass 25
- academia 25
- Brain 25
- alchemy 25
- Charles Honorton 25
- Mind-Matter Interaction 25
- wu wei 25
- luciferian 25
- steiner 25
- yule 25
- wintersolstice 25
- norsepaganism 25
- astrology 24
- chaos magic 24
- Malachi Martin 24
- Gandhi 24
- awakening 24
- soul 24
- seances 24
- Steven Greer 24
- T. H. Huxley 24
- hermetic philosophy 24
- eliphas levi 24
- baphomet 24
- is magic scientifically proven? 24
- self-transformation 24
- ai ethics 23
- Scientific media 23
- consciousness-based practices 23
- climate crisis 23
- carbon dioxide removal 23
- apport phenomena 23
- experimental design 23
- psychometric scales 23
- data collection 23
- David Bohm 23
- Leslie Kean 23
- out-of-body experience 23
- Roger Penrose 23
- vedanta 23
- Kant 23
- Evelyn Underhill 23
- Gary Zukav 23
- psychotherapy 23
- Stuart Hameroff 23
- Hell 23
- premonitions 23
- hinduism 23
- Plotinus 23
- softness the underestimated power 23
- the power of softness 23
- softness 23
- taoism explained 23
- the art of not trying 23
- inner peace 23
- how to let go 23
- laozi (founding figure) 23
- taoist philosophy 23
- einzelgänger 23
- doing without doing 23
- religion (tv genre) 23
- big questions 23
- be like water 23
- lecture 23
- secular 23
- esotericism for beginners 23
- Western Esotericism 23
- metaphysics 22
- ectoplasm 22
- I Ching 22
- Francis Bacon 22
- DMT 22
- Jesus 22
- Chico Xavier 22
- Thomas Aquinas 22
- James Hillman 22
- Rene Guenon 22
- bible 22
- OBEs 22
- religiousstudies 22
- Isaac Newton 21
- John Archibald Wheeler 21
- astral plane 21
- spirits 21
- Rumi 21
- C. S. Lewis 21
- Ramana Maharshi 21
- Shakespeare 21
- Edgar Mitchell 21
- Julius Evola 21
- sex magic 21
- polytheism 21
- aleistercrowley 21
- Albert Einstein 21
- Pamela Heath 21
- Place Memory in Hauntings 21
- ParaMOOC Series 21
- samhain halloween 21
- Sir Oliver Lodge 20
- Jim Tucker 20
- David Jacobs 20
- Bertrand Russell 20
- Schopenhauer 20
- Ed May 20
- hero's journey 20
- astral light 20
- Ceremonial Magic 20
- Susan Blackmore 20
- psilocybin 20
- Dean Brown 20
- Richard Dawkins 20
- rosicrucian 20
- Templars 20
- correspondendes 20
- magiccorrespondences 20
- Rorschach test 20
- Psychic boundaries 20
- Psychokinetic mediums 20
- Induced memories 20
- Coincidence experiences 20
- Traumatic experiences 20
- Historical background 20
- spiritual growth 20
- SpiritualEvolution 20
- nature 19
- Emanuel Swedenborg 19
- astral projection 19
- Ayn Rand 19
- Tibetan Book of the Dead 19
- Philip K. Dick 19
- Michael Talbot 19
- Jack Kerouac 19
- time 19
- life after death 19
- war 19
- freedom 19
- scientism 19
- Rizwan Virk 19
- Global Consciousness Project 19
- C. West Churchman 19
- memory 19
- mind 19
- Parmenides 19
- dual-aspect monism 19
- Robert Jahn 19
- Gary Snyder 19
- Michael Scriven 19
- CIA 19
- peace 19
- Lew Welch 19
- witch 19
- Remote Viewing Instructional Services 19
- Larry Dossey 19
- hecate 19
- hekate 19
- luciferianism 19
- well-being 19
- Ayahuasca 19
- islamic magic 19
- chaos magick pratique 19
- irish folklore 19
- halloween history 19
- channeling 18
- Eckhart Tolle 18
- Thomas Kuhn 18
- Tarot 18
- cosmic consciousness 18
- Leonora Piper 18
- Theodore Roszak 18
- aura 18
- unconscious 18
- Roger Nelson 18
- shiva 18
- Rolling Thunder 18
- Allen Ginsberg 18
- physicalism 18
- Immanuel Kant 18
- Alfred Russel Wallace 18
- Mongolia 18
- Huichol 18
- heaven 18
- Buddha 18
- Paul Ehrlich 18
- rosicrucianism 18
- indigenous 18
- druidry 18
- health 18
- thelemic 18
- ordotempliorientis 18
- oto 18
- astrumargenteum 18
- naturalism 18
- italian witchcraft 18
- theosophical society 18
- Testing 18
- Sociology of Religion 18
- Hypotheses 18
- Group PK Experiment 18
- James McClenon 18
- Batcheldor's artefact induction theory 18
- ritual healing theory 18
- Paleolithic shamanism 18
- group psychokinesis 18
- PK research group 18
- Zoom meetings 18
- collective PK experiences 18
- individual psi experiences 18
- religious implications 18
- video evidence 18
- esoteric knowledge 18
- David Grusch 18
- gods 18
- Esoteric Studies 18
- Materialist Magic 18
- ritual magic 18
- SpiritualAwakening 17
- Sufism 17
- J. W. Dunne 17
- apports 17
- materialization 17
- Zen 17
- Scientology 17
- Evans-Wentz 17
- Walter Semkiw 17
- Ken Wilber 17
- William Barrett 17
- Duke University 17
- psychomanteum 17
- anthroposophy 17
- insanity 17
- spiritual 17
- grief 17
- Charles Fort 17
- Nosso Lar 17
- psychodrama 17
- Faust 17
- Marie Louise von Franz 17
- Eleusinian Mysteries 17
- ecology 17
- astral travel 17
- Avi Loeb 17
- Hypnosis 17
- intuitive 17
- Philemon 17
- fractals 17
- ordo templi orientis 17
- out of body experiences 17
- anomalous cognition 17
- para-psychology afterlife 17
- heathenry 17
- goddess 17
- William Peters 17
- sigil magick 17
- history of halloween 17
- Prometheus 16
- Jason Reza Jorjani 16
- evil 16
- Charles Richet 16
- ritual 16
- Hugh Everett 16
- Edwin C. May 16
- Julian Huxley 16
- Jordan Peterson 16
- Shirley MacLaine 16
- LSD 16
- Fred Alan Wolf 16
- Gary Lachman 16
- Rhine Research Center 16
- F. W. H. Myers 16
- APRO 16
- William Burroughs 16
- Martin Luther King 16
- Jean Millay 16
- Hella Hammid 16
- Leibnitz 16
- chaosmagick 16
- spells 16
- ghosts 16
- Jessica Utts 16
- Rex Stanford 16
- cosmology 16
- Beth Darlington 16
- Access Paranormal 16
- paranormal experiences 16
- ogham alphabet 16
- ogham stones 16
- celtic tree alphabet 16
- ogham writing 16
- ogham divination 16
- irish alphabet 16
- ogham course 16
- irish druid tree alphabet 16
- celtic mythology 16
- irish witchcraft 16
- celtic alphabet 16
- ogham script 16
- ogham pronunciation 16
- ogham tree alphabet 16
- pagan beliefs 16
- ogham script alphabet 16
- celtic paganism 16
- personal power 16
- rituals 15
- aleister crowley magick 15
- is thelema left hand path 15
- thelemite 15
- entanglement 15
- George Adamski 15
- Dianetics 15
- Seth 15
- Gospel of Thomas 15
- T. S. Eliot 15
- Edwin May 15
- Alan Vaughan 15
- Elon Musk 15
- A Course in Miracles 15
- Michael Harner 15
- Henri Bergson 15
- subtle energy 15
- Walter Benjamin 15
- Carl Gustav Jung 15
- Pico della Mirandola 15
- George Chapman 15
- Tom McNear 15
- Jacques Ellul 15
- Stafford Beer 15
- Vernon Neppe 15
- NASA 15
- ganzfeld 15
- quantum theory 15
- #PA_Premiere 15
- Sitters 15
- Disembodied Communication 15
- Post-mortem 15
- polytheistic 15
- hard polytheism 15
- soft polytheism 15
- greekgoddess 15
- shadowwork 15
- Eliphas Lévi 15
- sabbatical goat 15
- knights templar 15
- gnostics 15
- scientologist 15
- lronhubbard 15
- hubbard 15
- thetan 15
- culturalappropriation 15
- culturalappreciation 15
- culturalheritage 15
- indigenousculture 15
- indigenousreligion 15
- bibliophile 15
- wiccanpower 15
- wiccan powers 15
- doreen valiente 15
- religion for breakfast 15
- margaret murray 15
- Mindfulness 15
- collective consciousness 15
- eleusinian mysteries explained 15
- let’s talk religion 15
- what are the rituals of the eleusinian mysteries 15
- secret ancient rituals 15
- persephone 15
- demeter 15
- business motivation 15
- ceremonial magick 15
- left hand path traditions 15
- Helena Blavatsky 15
- universe 15
- history of halloween IN UK AND IRELAND 15
- history of halloween in ireland 15
- history of halloween history channel 15
- history of halloween samhain 15
- history of halloween in america 15
- history of halloween christian 15
- halloween in ireland 15
- halloween history in the UK 15
- halloween history in England 15
- halloween history scotland 15
- halloween history wales 15
- halloween history northern ireland 15
- religious syncretism 15
- syncretism 15
- voodoo 15
- eclectic wicca 15
- eclectic witchcraft 15
- esotericism meaning 15
- John Fuller 15
- Islamic Esotericism 15
- islamic history 15
- Arthur C. Clarke 14
- panpsychism 14
- space intelligences 14
- Pierre Grimes 14
- nuclear war 14
- simulation hypothesis 14
- Nick Bostrom 14
- Karl Pribram 14
- Zarathustra 14
- Michael Sudduth 14
- Debashish Banerji 14
- Plato's Cave 14
- Gramsci 14
- Saul-Paul Sirag 14
- Oswald Spengler 14
- spiritual awakening 14
- J. Allen Hynek 14
- energy 14
- Rainer Maria Rilke 14
- Joanna Macy 14
- D. Scott Rogo 14
- Michael Sabom 14
- Erlandur Haraldsson 14
- Jude Currivan 14
- James Harder 14
- Bhagavad Gita 14
- Arthur Schopenhauer 14
- SRI International 14
- Geraldine Cummins 14
- Archives of the Impossible 14
- italianwitchcraft 14
- spirit 14
- waite 14
- lavey 14
- Channelling 14
- transpersonal psychology 14
- nirvana 14
- Inklings 14
- John Alexander 14
- Rick Strassman 14
- Mass hysteria 14
- social psychology 14
- cultural psychology 14
- societal norms 14
- group psychology 14
- Chinese philosophy 14
- mind-body connection 14
- mass formation psychosis 14
- mass psychosis 14
- Laozi 14
- Brenda Dunne 14
- Stargate 14
- voice-hearing 14
- childhood experiences 14
- participatory research 14
- children's consciousness 14
- unexplained phenomena 14
- Occult History 14
- Magical Traditions 14
- atheistic witchcraft 14
- psychological magic 14
- modern occult 14
- secular magic 14
- BeelzebubsTales 14
- GurdjieffTeachings 14
- FourthWay 14
- GurdjieffWork 14
- GurdjieffMovement 14
- EsotericChristianity 14
- SelfObservation 14
- ConsciousLabor 14
- IntentionalSuffering 14
- GurdjieffPhilosophy 14
- EsotericTeachings 14
- InnerWork 14
- SpiritualAlchemy 13
- Robert Morris 13
- Gary Schwartz 13
- Sufis 13
- D. D. Home 13
- evolution 13
- patience 13
- Hegel 13
- Genghis Khan 13
- Neils Bohr 13
- Michio Kaku 13
- Robert Bly 13
- synesthesia 13
- Monroe Institute 13
- Peter Fenwick 13
- implicate order 13
- Sir John Woodroffe 13
- Carlos Castaneda 13
- Ernest Hartmann 13
- Nelson Mandela 13
- Victor Frankl 13
- transformation 13
- Medicine 13
- ORCH OR 13
- Dionysius the Areopagite 13
- Edgar Allan Poe 13
- distant healing 13
- Courtney Brown 13
- Kurt Goldstein 13
- Amit Goswami 13
- Ruth-Inge Heinze 13
- ecstasy 13
- starseeds 13
- Tolkien 13
- satanic bible 13
- paraphysics 13
- ashtavakra gita 13
- Bruce Lipton 13
- Socorro 13
- near death 13
- evil eye 13
- Ian McGilchrist 13
- Anomalous Experiences 13
- Emmy Vadnais 13
- triple goddess 13
- triple goddess chant 13
- triple goddess network 13
- lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram 13
- banishing ritual 13
- hermetic order of the golden dawn 13
- lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram explained 13
- banishing ritual of the pentagram 13
- lesser invoking ritual of the pentagram 13
- pentagram ritual 13
- lbrp ritual 13
- banishing pentagram 13
- foolish fish 13
- Lesser banishing ritual of teh pentagram 13
- ancient aliens 13
- Pagan survivalism and heathen preppers 13
- pagan survivalism adn heathen preppers 13
- pagan preppers 13
- pagan apocalypse 13
- apocalyptic narratives in Paganism 13
- pagan survivalist 13
- heathen prepper 13
- Doomsday prepping 13
- Pachita 13
- Jason Jorjani 12
- anthropic principle 12
- Frances Yates 12
- Harry Potter 12
- Joan of Arc 12
- Pythagoras 12
- Linda Moulton Howe 12
- Spinoza 12
- Idries Shah 12
- compassion 12
- Walter Franklin Prince 12
- Tom Campbell 12
- Exegesis 12
- Nag Hammadi 12
- Chögyam Trungpa 12
- grimoire 12
- Ahriman 12
- Albert Ellis 12
- Stregheria 12
- Arthur Avalon 12
- Durga 12
- levitation 12
- Blake 12
- Alfred North Whitehead 12
- nightmares 12
- Henry Reed 12
- Baal Shem Tov 12
- infinity 12
- spirit mediums 12
- Bob Dylan 12
- Zen Buddhism 12
- Lewis Mumford 12
- Anthony Burgess 12
- Marvin Minsky 12
- Windbridge 12
- Wilder Penfield 12
- phone calls from the dead 12
- non-dual 12
- Roswell 12
- Heraclitus 12
- one mind 12
- shaman 12
- biofield 12
- society for scientific exploration 12
- RSPK 12
- Haunting 12
- spiritual podcast 12
- Putin 12
- George Hunt Williamson 12
- Khidr 12
- hermetic spirituality 12
- hermes trismegistus 12
- researchoutreach 12
- Phd 12
- Esoteric 12
- atomic bomb 12
- Garry Nolan 12
- Energy Healing 12
- origin of the term left-hand path 12
- what does left hand path mean 12
- vamachara 12
- chaos magic marvel 12
- podcast tips 12
- podcasting tips 12
- podcast tips beginners 12
- podcast tips for students 12
- podcast tips spotify 12
- academic podcast 12
- podcast academic english 12
- academic podcasts spotify 12
- extra terrestrials 12
- Gene Roddenberry 12
- spiritual practices 12
- kundalini yoga 12
- kundalini magic 12
- esoteric teachings 11
- self-remembering 11
- intentional suffering 11
- conscious living 11
- Gurdjieff movements 11
- Georges Ivanovich Gurdjieff 11
- inner work 11
- esoteric philosophy 11
- mystical teachings 11
- george gurdjieff 11
- the fourth way 11
- gurdjieff fourth way 11
- gurdjieff teachings 11
- who is george gurdjieff 11
- esotericstudies 11
- Bernard Carr 11
- Max Planck 11
- Arigo 11
- relaxation 11
- guides 11
- holotropic breathing 11
- Carl G. Jung 11
- Jane Roberts 11
- Herman Hesse 11
- Esalen 11
- C. G. Jung 11
- CRV 11
- Eric Wargo 11
- Time Loops 11
- Gertrude Schmeidler 11
- Jack Parsons 11
- Patanjali 11
- Allan Kardec 11
- spiritism 11
- Shroud of Turin 11
- pragmatism 11
- self-esteem 11
- Theurgy 11
- Guy Lyon Playfair 11
- mescaline 11
- Aeschylus 11
- Flying Saucers 11
- Serpent Power 11
- George Leonard 11
- social transformation 11
- Psychic Reading 11
- UAPs 11
- Epictetus 11
- Paul Tillich 11
- Homer 11
- Louisa Rhine 11
- shamans 11
- Virginia Woolf 11
- Ted Hughes 11
- Sylvia Plath 11
- visualization 11
- Savonarola 11
- ITC 11
- Harvard University 11
- Elisabeth Targ 11
- Zecharia Sitchen 11
- James Lovelock 11
- state specific science 11
- dualism 11
- spiritual evolution 11
- DIA 11
- detachment 11
- Fate Magazine 11
- Ben Goertzel 11
- robots 11
- Austin Osman Spare 11
- Samuel Coleridge 11
- self-realization 11
- psychiatry 11
- Aristotle 11
- Madame Blavatsky 11
- Debra Katz 11
- transhumanism 11
- Gail Hayssen 11
- George Carlin 11
- Michael Rossman 11
- New Age Blues 11
- Paul Krasner 11
- The Realist 11
- Federico Faggin 11
- Dante 11
- Neanderthal 11
- Keith Harary 11
- John Andrew Morrow 11
- Helmut Schmidt 11
- bdsm 11
- kink 11
- quantum 11
- Ecosophy 11
- mind science 11
- non-local consciousness 11
- Andreas Sommer 11
- history of science 11
- culture 11
- empty your mind 11
- hindu 11
- jesus christ 11
- Meister Eckhart 11
- Giant Rock 11
- George Van Tassel 11
- Waldo Vieira 11
- Douglas Dean 11
- Rachel Harris 11
- malocchio 11
- Iamblichus 11
- hominids 11
- theosophical 11
- leadbeater 11
- akashic records 11
- Alan Turing 11
- psychic healing 11
- René Guénon 11
- Ralph Waldo Emerson 11
- Erwin Schrodinger 11
- IGPP 11
- Gerhard Mayer 11
- Nan Zingrone 11
- 5 tips to study esotericism 11
- tips to study witchcraft as an academic 11
- how to study esoteric topics as a scholar 11
- how to study the occult 11
- how can I learn about magic spells 11
- how can I learn withccraft 11
- how to read esoteric texts 11
- tips and tricks to study esotericism 11
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- wisdom is doing everything the crowd does not do 9
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- myth vs hstory: does belief need facts? 9
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- religion in dungeons and dragons 7
- the psychology of dungeons and dragons 7
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