Historical Highlights of ParapsychologywithRussell Targ

Books Mentioned In This Interview

russell targ limitless mind russell targ the reality of esp russell targ third eye spies

Russell Targ, a laser physicist, cofounded the remote viewing research program at SRI International. He is coauthor Mind Reach, The Mind Race, Miracles of Mind, The Heart of the Mind, and The End of Suffering. He is author of Limitless Mind and The Reality of ESP: A Physicist’s Proof of Psychic Abilities. He is also coeditor of the anthology, Mind At Large.

Here he he describes a series of classic books in the fields of psychical research and parapsychology that he was responsible for bringing back into print. They include Human Personality and It’s Survival of Bodily Death by F. W. H. Myers; The Future and Beyond by H. F. Saltmarsh; Experiments in Mental Suggestion by L. L. Vasiliev: Mental Radio by Upton Sinclair: Mind to Mind by Rene Warcollier: and Dream Telepathy by Ullman, Krippner, & Vaughan. One brand new title in the series was Distant Mental Influence by William Braud.

(Recorded on March 4, 2017)

Published on June 14, 2017


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