March 30th Bryan J Williams Seeking Spectral Insight–Practical Lessons for Ghost Hunting

Presented for the Parapsychology Research and Education course (also known as ParaMOOC2023)

Full title: Seeking Spectral Insight: Some Possible Practical Lessons for Ghost Hunting from Parapsychological Research

Abstract: This informal presentation will highlight some possible lessons gleaned from various parapsychological findings, which might be useful to practically consider when conducting ghost hunts, particularly when it comes to trying to have a personal sighting or experience with a ghost. The aim here is partly to help sort what may be fact from what may be folklore and myths perpetuated by popular media claims about ghosts and ghost hunting.

Biography: Bryan Williams is the Research Director of the Psychical Research Foundation. He previously studied psychology at the University of New Mexico and was a research student of the late parapsychologist William Roll. In 2008, he was a co-recipient of the Eileen J. Garrett Scholarship Award offered by the Parapsychology Foundation. In addition to various journal articles and online materials, he is the author of the monograph Psychic Phenomena and the Brain (2015). He has contributed chapters to such scholarly anthologies as Mysterious Minds (2010), Evidence for Psi (2015), and Advances in Parapsychological Research 10 (2021).

Psychical Research Foundation:

Parapsychology Foundation:

Parapsychology Online:

Published on April 11, 2023
