Scientific and Medical Network Jubilee Conversations – Rupert Sheldrake David Lorimer chats with SMN Honorary Member Rupert Sheldrake about his own work and also his history with the Network. Published on August 11, 2023 Share
InPresence 256The Method to My Madness December 29, 2023To experience the NewThinkingAllowed Bot, go to and register there for a free account.
Preserving the SoulwithDavid Whyte February 11, 2024Poetry allows us to acknowledge the fullness of our being in ways that are often denied in daily life. This denial has often proved both injurious to the soul and bad for business. Poetry unites us with the soul of the world. David White is author of several books of poetry and a book of [...]
Awakening IntuitionwithFrances Vaughan (1935 – 2017) January 27, 2024We can train our own intuitive faculty by learning to quiet the mind and listen to internal signals. Frances Vaughan, Ph.D., says intuition involves a direct knowing without mediation by human senses or logic. She points to several types of intuition–spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical.
Andrija Puharich and His Space KidswithHeidi Jurka February 26, 2024Here she provides many details concerning her work with Puharich, the “space kids” and “mindlink” projects, and the arson fire that put an end to this chapter in her life.
UAP and Invisible MatterwithChristopher Noel February 20, 2024#UAPs #UFOs #disclosure #extraterrestial #experiencer #abductee #NDE #NearDeath #mediums #manifest #shift #vibration #invisiblematter
Human Nature and the DivinewithBrother David Steindl-Rast February 24, 2024The genuine spiritual tradition of all religions encourages the cultivation of independent action and conscience. David Steindl-Rast, Ph.D., a Benedictine Monk, is co-author, with Fritjof Capra, of Belonging to the Universe. He proclaims that the message of Christianity is that we are all related to god and through god to each other.
The Scientific Search for the Soul, Part 2,withFrancis Crick March 2, 2024A noted scientist discusses free will, consciousness, attention and memory and their relationship to the human nervous system. In a wide ranging discussion, Crick points out that the hypothesis that the brain is the seat of consciousness has not yet been proven.