Bill Bengston | Genomic Changes in Cancer produced by a Recording of Healing Intention

In many in vivo and in vitro experiments over the course of 35 years, robust and reliable data demonstrate beyond reasonable doubt that “healing” can happen, that dose is a factor, that healing proceeds non-linearly, that it is not fundamentally “energy” but “information” that is involved, that it is not correlated to a particular state of mind but functions more as an autonomic response to the need of the healee, to name but a few findings.

The present paper reports on experiments that produced significant genomic changes in 67 out of 168 cancer related genes brought about by in-vitro exposure to a recording of healing intention. The recording was produced inside a Faraday cage using 38 sensors of various sensitivities that were intended to capture healing signals produced by three practitioners of the Bengston method of healing.

Data analysis focused on genes involved in cancer pathways or in cancer inflammation. Conclusions from the in-vitro work include: 1) healing intention can be captured and released, thereby potentially allowing the phenomenon to be more scalable in its dissemination; 2) reproducible biologic changes can be induced by healing intention, whether by direct hands-on healing or using a recording of healing activity; 3) hands-on delivery of healing intention may be stronger than a recording of that intention. As of this writing, in-vivo experiments involving exposure of mice to the recording have just begun. The results of these experiments are due at the end of April, and will be reported on at the conference.

Bio: Bill Bengston is the SSE President. He has been researching and reporting on anomalous healing research for a very very long time.

Recorded at the Society for Scientific Exploration Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada 2018.

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Published on December 29, 2021
