Institute of Noetic Sciences Katia Petersen and Alan Pierce Sunday IONS 2015 Conference Sunday experiential Published on August 11, 2015 Share
PsychonauticswithMike Jay May 17, 2024Here he focuses on the long history, within western science, of researchers exploring the effects and effectiveness of different drugs through self-experimentation.
CLASSIC REBOOT: The Spiritualist Vision of the AfterlifewithStafford Betty June 17, 2024In this video, originally recorded in 2015, he points out that the spiritualist vision of the afterlife has been generated over the past 150 years because of the testimony of ostensible spirits speaking through trance mediums. This literature has been extensively scrutinized by scientists and, in the best instances, is often accompanied by information that [...]
Reincarnation in JapanwithOhkado Masayuki July 10, 2024Here he describes his intellectual journal from the study of linguistics to reincarnation. He discusses the famous Katsugoro case from the 1800s, and shares how this exploration has affected him personally.
Reincarnation or Resonance?withVernon Neppe and Ed Close June 28, 2024Vernon Neppe, MD, PhD, FRSSAf and Ed Close, PhD, are the joint authors of the book, Reality Begins with Consciousness. This book elaborates their theory consciousness in the universe. Both have been interviewed multiple times about their work on this channel.
Living the Awakened LifewithSuzanne Giesemann July 5, 2024Here she describes her conversion from a Naval officer with no particular interest in spirituality and consciousness. It happened in surprising and unexpected ways.
Interspecies CommunicationwithDavis Brimberg May 13, 2024Here she describes the slow, and sometimes painful, process of engaging in a relationship with wild animals.
The Birth TraumawithStanislav Grof June 8, 2024What is the origin of individual behavior and personality? Stanislav Grof proposes that individuals have systems of condensed experience (COEX systems) which become anchored to aspects of the birth trauma. Here, he describes four different basic stages of the birth process and shows how they relate to attitudes developed later in life.
Near-Death ReflectionswithElizabeth Krohn December 22, 2021Here she reflects back on implications of her near-death experience that occurred when she was struck by lightning in 1988. Since then, she has experienced a telephone call from her deceased grandfather – and also many accurate, but unpleasant, precognitive dreams – typically involving disasters. She maintains that our conventional notion of clock time is an incomplete [...]
Science and MetaphysicswithBernardo Kastrup January 7, 2022Bernardo has launched a new organization, #EssentiaFoundation, and has produced some wonderful short videos that can be viewed at and