Institute of Noetic Sciences I Am IONS: Calvin LeHew I Am IONS: Calvin LeHew Published on January 7, 2016 Share
CLASSIC REBOOT: Deeper into the MysterywithWhitley Strieber May 31, 2024In this video from 2023, he continues his multi-decades exploration into the nature of the “Visitor” phenomena he has been confronting since 1985.
Interspecies CommunicationwithDavis Brimberg May 13, 2024Here she describes the slow, and sometimes painful, process of engaging in a relationship with wild animals.
Addiction, Attachment, and CrisiswithChristina Grof (1941 – 2014) May 11, 2024The late Christina Grof describes her own struggle to overcome alcoholism and suggests that the impulse that leads to addictive behavior stems from our yearning for spiritual union. Crises of spiritual opening, she says, may often look like episodes of acute psychosis and are often difficult and even painful. Unlike psychosis, however, such crises can [...]
Life’s Defining MomentswithDavis Brimberg May 3, 2024Here Davis and Jeffrey look at the question of crucial moments that can define one’s character and set the arc of one’s life in a particular direction. The discussion touches on both psychological and parapsychological themes.
The Inner Mechanisms of HealingwithBrendan O’Regan June 1, 2024Important breakthroughs in the field of neuroimmunology suggest that the human nervous system and immune system are intimately linked. The late Brendan O’Regan (d. 1992), former vice-president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, notes the shift of emphasis in healing research from documenting the role of mind in healing to searching for an understanding of [...]
Cultivating Peak ExperienceswithRick Leskowitz June 19, 2024Rick describes several ways to attain peak experiences and how to get into the zone by choice, not chance. He shares positive experiences of professional athletes who use meditation and energetic practices to enhance their performance with supporting research.
The Path of the Everyday HerowithLorna Catford July 13, 2024Mythology reminds us that just when things seem the darkest, we may be on the verge of a breakthrough. Lorna Catford, PhD, a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University in California, is co-author of The Path of the Everyday Hero. She points out that the demands placed upon ordinary people in everyday life, require a [...]
Ingo Swann’s PenetrationwithDaz Smith November 26, 2021Here he shares his own experience spending a day in the home of Ingo Swann, who is widely regarded as “the father of remote viewing.” He points out that all of the people he knows who have worked with Ingo have described him as an honest person of great integrity. This is why Ingo’s bizarre [...]
Global Goddess TraditionswithDebashish Banerji December 6, 2021Here he points out that artifacts relating to the worship of the mother goddess are found throughout the world, going back as far as 40,000 years. Such traditions are associated with the earth, with the wisdom of the body, with magic, and with equality of the sexes. Over time, the emphasis has shifted to the [...]