Institute of Noetic Sciences I Am IONS: Calvin LeHew I Am IONS: Calvin LeHew Published on January 7, 2016 Share
UAP and Invisible MatterwithChristopher Noel February 20, 2024#UAPs #UFOs #disclosure #extraterrestial #experiencer #abductee #NDE #NearDeath #mediums #manifest #shift #vibration #invisiblematter
The #FourthTurning: Are We At a “Great Gate in History?”withNeil Howe February 2, 2024Neil Howe is author of “The Fourth Turning Is Here— What the Seasons of History Tell Us About How and When This Crisis Will End” and other books on generational theory lauded by both the left and right. In this conversation, Howe and Naughton address generational cycles and the four “turnings” that occur within an [...]
#UFO #UAP: Why Won’t They Land on the White House Lawn? February 6, 2024This #short features #experiencer Roberts, a former Navel Intelligence Officer featured in the Netflix series “Encounters” talking about the ongoing disagreement on #disclosure of UFO and UAP. They are referred to in this 1952 #DepartmentofDefense press conference clip where two high-ranking military officials disagree. See more of the two men at the link above.
Unlocking the Secrets of Twin PsychologywithJoan Friedman February 21, 2024Here she reviews many of the issues that twins bring up in her psychotherapy practice.
Scandals at the AshramwithJulie Anderson February 16, 2024In this heartfelt interview, she describes her situation in the 1980s, being in the middle of a scandal and lawsuit that affected the ashram and still leaves wounds. The discussion also focuses on the guru principle, and the many scandals involving religious figures in all cultures.
#Reincarnation Part 4: The Man Who Studied 2500 Cases January 4, 2024In this excerpt (part 4 of 4, parts 1,2 and 3 previously posted) Semkiw describes the pioneering research of Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia who established the discipline of reincarnation research by focusing on investigations of young children who remember past lives. For the full interview on New Thinking Allowed’s YouTube channel [...]
Value and Purpose in SciencewithArthur M. Young (1905 – 1995) January 6, 2024Consciousness, rather than being a property which “emerges” at higher orders of complexity, is a basic principle intrinsic to every level of creation, according to this stimulating program with philosopher Arthur M. Young. Inventor of the Bell Helicopter and founder of the Institute for the Study of Consciousness, Young’s books include The Reflexive Universe and Which Way Out.
One God, One World, One PeoplewithRabbi Wayne Dosick August 27, 2021Here he describes his philosophy of embracing all of humanity with love – while confronting the ideologies of hatred and divisiveness. He points out that he finds more common ground with mystics and liberal theologians of all faiths than he does with the fundamentalists within Judaism. He discusses the impact that the holocaust has had [...]
The Afterlife and the Unconscious MindwithBetty Kovács April 30, 2021Here she explains that consciousness is infinite and that, ultimately, there is no real separation between our waking consciousness, our subconscious mind, and the afterlife. It is all one. However, that realization is difficult to maintain in the face of daily life’s necessities. She describes several powerful examples of both archetypal, visionary experiences and after-death [...]