Cooper Survival: A Personal Reflection on Life After Death ParaMOOC2019
Full title: Survival: A Personal Reflection on the Parapsychology of Life Beyond Death
Presented on April 28th, 2019 for the Parapsychology Research and Education free annual online course
Biography: Dr Cal Cooper is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Northampton in psychology and thanatology. He is a Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society, a Council Member of the Society for Psychical Research (and on its Survival Research Committee), a Professional Member of the Parapsychological Association, a Garrett Library Fellow of the Parapsychology Foundation, an Archival Researcher for the Alex Tanous Foundation, a Research Affiliate of Hope Studies Central (University of Alberta), and a certified aqua therapist through Birthlight (Cambridge).
Abstract: Dr Cooper has been interested in people’s experiences of ‘ghosts and hauntings’ since his childhood. Aside from other professional interests, reports of these alleged experiences are what triggered his career path in psychology and exceptional experiences. Now being well established in psychology, thanatology and parapsychology – based as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Northampton – he has been involved in a variety of research suggestive of survival. His knowledge in this area has seen him in numerous media outlets as a voice of sceptical activism in science and critical thinking. This lecture presents his own thoughts and reflections on research he been involved in on various levels and where we stand on the matter of ‘personality and its survival beyond death’.
Moderated by Dr Nancy L Zingrone
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Published on May 26, 2019