Parapsychological Association

114 videos

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Air CO2 Sequestration Using Consciousness-Based Interventions for Climate Action | Annalisa Ventola

Annalisa is an educator, researcher, and administrator supporting edge science fields with a particular interest in public scholarship, science communication, and exceptional experiences. She is a Professional Member and Executive Director of the Parapsychological Association, Community Manager and Full Member of the Society for Scientific Exploration, and the Founder of Public Parapsychology.

Sleep Paralysis, Extraordinary Experiences, and Belief in the Supernatural | Gerhard Mayer

Gerhard Mayer studied psychology, sociology, and philosophy. Since 1996, he has been working as a researcher at the IGPP in Freiburg, Germany. His research interests concern cultural studies relating to the border areas of psychology, shamanism, magical practices and beliefs, the biographical integration of extraordinary experiences, and scientific approaches to astrology. He is director of [...]

Coin-Based Apports: Advancements on Multiple Agency Anomalous Events | Ramsés D’León

Ramsés D’León is the Chief Researcher at Unidad Parapsicológica de Investigación, Difusión y Enseñanza (UPIDE), Founding Member of the Centro de Investigación de la Sintergia y la Consciencia (CISC), and Office Manager of the Parapsychological Association (PA). His principal interests in the field of parapsychology are psychokinesis and physiological anticipation, though he’s also engaged in [...]

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