An Emerging New Paradigm for Complementary Medicine | Harald Walach

An Emerging New Paradigm for Complementary Medicine –Generalised Entanglement and New Experimental Support

Ana Borges Flores (1), Harald Walach (2)

(1) University of Edinburgh, Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, Department of Psychology, Edinburgh, UK

(2) University of Witten-Herdecke, Department of Psychology, Witten, Germany

Some years ago a new paradigmatic model was proposed that might be able to unite various experiences that are common in complementary and alternative medicine (Walach 2005). It is based on the new concept of a Generalised Quantum Theory (GQT) (Atmanspacher, Römer & Walach 2000) that also predicts Generalised Entanglement (GET) correlations. Meanwhile there is experimental support for the model.

Method: A meta-experiment has been developed by Walter von Lucadou with three positive experimental realizations that has now been replicated independently two times. It uses a random number generator that drives a fractal display. Voluntary participants are seated in front of the computer with the instruction to “influence the direction the fractal grows or shrinks using their intention or will only”. An experiment consists of 9 runs with 3 different instructions to shrink or grow the fractal, or keep it stable. The experiment is moved forward by key-presses. Out of this set-up 5*9 (45) physical variables are created and 5*9 (45) psychological variables. These 45*45 variables are correlated across all experiments, yielding a correlation matrix with 2025 cells. The theoretical prediction is that there will be more correlations visible than expected by chance or in the control matrix, and that in replications the correlations will swap places across cells, but will, overall, stay significantly visible. A control matrix is also constructed out of an empty run of the system and the psychological variables of a predecessor experiment. The statistical evaluation follows a classical approach using the differences in the number of correlations in both matrices and calculating a z-score, and a Monte-Carlo-simulation using 10.000 simulated runs.

Results: Two independent experiments with 100 to 200 participants each have been conducted up to now, and a large multi-center experiment is under way. The two experiments confirm independently that in the experimental matrix there are more correlations than should be expected by chance or than there are in the control matrix. A more conservative simulation analysis confirms the results with z = 2.

Conclusion: Generalised Entanglement seems to be indeed a feature of reality, if suitable rituals for a closure of a system are chosen. This lines up with attempts by Beauvais to understand results of high dilution experiments.

Recorded at the Society for Scientific Exploration conference at Yale University, 2017

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Published on December 20, 2018
