Eyeless SightwithAlex Gomez-Marin
January 8, 2024
Here he describes how he, as a scientist, approaches the phenomenology of eyeless sight.
Robert Simmons is author of Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation, Earthfire: A Tale of Transformation, The Book of Stones, Stones of the New Consciousness, and The Alchemy of Stones.
Here he explains principles of spiritual alchemy, emphasizing the union or intersection of inner and outer realities. He describes alchemical stages and highlights the importance of the union of opposites. He also shares several stories concerning his own awakening and alchemical discoveries related to his work with minerals, stones, and gems. These experiences challenge us to appreciate that the universe is much larger than we usually imagine.
(Recorded on February 9, 2021)
Published on February 22, 2021
We do not yet have transcripts available for this interview.
If you are be interested in helping us transcribe into any language, including English, please email friends@newthinkingallowed.org.