Society for Scientific Exploration Paul H. Smith | Remote Viewing SSE-PA members define terms, introduce concepts, and discuss phenomena that may be encountered in the presentations in the upcoming Breakthrough 2022 meeting. Published on June 12, 2022 Share
Beyond the Five Senses: Leanne Whitney Interviews Russell Targ in 2005 January 10, 2024In 2005, while working on a documentary about the evolution of human consciousness, Leanne Whitney had the opportunity to interview Russell Targ at his home in Palo Alto. This unique circumstance provided an intimate setting for an informative conversation, where Targ’s insights into parapsychology, remote viewing, and the mysterious facets of human consciousness were explored.
Battle Over UFO Secrecy: The Major Donald Keyhoe StorywithLinda Powell March 1, 2024Here she details the extraordinary career of the first person to devote himself to the project of making the public aware of the significance and the enormity of UFO sightings.
Spirituality and DeathwithJulie Anderson February 5, 2024Following up on her previous two interviews in which she shared details of life in the household of Adi Da Samraj, she describes her experiences surrounding the death of her mother, the near-death and then death of her guru, Adi Da, and other major life changes that could be thought of as ego deaths.
#Reincarnation Part 2: The Man Who Studied 2500 Cases December 28, 2023In this excerpt (part 2 of 4, part 1 posted, parts 3 & 4 to follow) Semkiw describes the pioneering research of Dr. Ian Stevenson at the University of Virginia who established the discipline of reincarnation research by focusing on investigations of young children who remember past lives. For the full interview on New Thinking [...]
AI and PsiwithPaul Werbos February 28, 2024Paul shares his work on neural networks and machine learning as well as his personal experiences with psi including precognition and an out-of-body experience. He suggests humans are a symbiotic organism and that we are in symbiosis with another larger organism, which he refers to as our local noosphere.
Near-Death Experiences and The Life ReviewwithBruce Greyson March 11, 2024Greyson’s story begins in the early 1970s. Long before the term Near Death Experience (NDE) became part of our vocabulary, two figures crossed paths at the University of Virginia that would change everything relating to the yet-unnamed phenomenon. Dr. Raymond Moody, collecting stories of near-death experiences that would eventually be the basis of his groundbreaking [...]
Fiore The Unquiet Dead 1 hour May 26, 2021What connection do we really have with the souls of those who have lived here before? Psychologist Edith Fiore describes how, working with her clients, she has come to diagnose and treat cases of apparent spirit possession. She demonstrates an actual depossession technique, a method entirely different from the classical notion of “exorcism.” Dr. Fiore’s [...]