New Dimensions in HealingwithWilliam Bengston

Books Mentioned In This Interview

William Bengston, PhD, has recently completed twelve years as president of the Society for Scientific Exploration. He is author of The Energy Cure: Unravelling the Mystery of Hands-On Healing, Chasing the Cure: An Effective Alternative for Cancer and Other Diseases, and Hands-On Healing: A Training Course for the Energy Cure. He is a professor of sociology at St. Joseph’s University in New York.

Here he describes his journey of five decades practicing and researching healing techniques. He has worked as a healer, partnering with numerous research laboratories โ€“ resulting in the publication of many, peer-reviewed, scientific papers. He notes that his method is especially effective with cancers. He also describes his efforts to expand the healing work through both scalability and storage capacity.

(Recorded on September 3, 2019)

Published on September 28, 2022


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