Institute of Noetic Sciences I Am IONS: Paulina Temple I Am IONS: Paulina Temple Published on January 7, 2016 Share
Unlocking the Secrets of Twin PsychologywithJoan Friedman February 21, 2024Here she reviews many of the issues that twins bring up in her psychotherapy practice.
Spiritual Guidance & Military Remote ViewingwithSkip Atwater April 12, 2024Here he reviews many lesser known details concerning how the United States Army initiated and sustained a remote viewing program.
The Merits of a Vegan DietwithGina Carr April 5, 2024Here she discusses her own personal journal and provides an overview of the merits of the vegan lifestyle.
Ancient Magic RitualswithIrving Finkel April 10, 2024Irving Finkel shares the magical literature found in ancient Mesopotamia on tablets of clay with cuneiform writing in 2,500 B.C. that brings to life how the Sumerians, Babylonians, and Assyrians operated with primarily benevolent forces to nullify evil, drive out demons and ghosts, and navigate witches and wizards.
Finding Hope in the AfterlifewithJoshua Louis February 14, 2024Here he describes his work with the spirit voice box he developed and how this type of afterlife research fits into his activity as a spirit medium.
Applied Projects in Remote ViewingwithJana Rogge March 22, 2024Here she describes many of the subtleties, nuances, and difficulties involved in working with remote viewing clients. In particular, she focuses on working with large business and government clients.
Universal Consciousness and the BrainwithAlexander Escobar April 8, 2024Here he shares his understanding of how the visual system in the brain is one likely pathway by which Universal Consciousness interacts with the human nervous system. He explains how photons exist in a realm beyond space and time.
The Legacy of William BlakewithJames Tunney October 29, 2021Here he reviews the many accomplishments of William Blake (1757-1827), a visual artist, poet, and mystic. Blake was an important influence on people such as W. B. Yeats, Alan Ginsberg, Kathleen Raine, Aldous Huxley – the contemporary artist, Francis Bacon – and even the rock musician, Patti Smith. Many of his contemporaries, and even some [...]
Spirit Mediumship in BrazilwithAlexander Moreira-Almeida November 5, 2021Here he describes his research with spirit mediums in Brazil. While many mediums exhibit symptoms that are sometimes designated as signs of psychosis, he notes that they typically live productive and meaningful lives showing no signs of pathology. Experimental tests with the famous medium, Chico Xavier, indicated that letters he transmitted to grieving relatives from [...]