John Lockley

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John Lockley is one of the first white men, in recent history, to become a fully initiated sangoma in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa. He is author of Leopard Warrior: A Journey into the African Teachings of Ancestry, Instinct, and Dreams. John was born, into a divided Apartheid South Africa, with the mark of the sangoma on his face โ€“ a band of white birth skin around the eyes. He was serving in the South African army as a medic (during the war with Angola in the 1980s) when he had a strong, prophetic dream calling him to train as a Xhosa sangoma. He suffered from the thwasa, a severe period of ill-health that is inherent in all ancient shamanic cultures, which can only be cured through apprenticeship to a shamanic teacher. Because of the restrictions of Apartheid (which ended in 1994) it would take John seven years to find a Xhosa teacher. He returned to post-apartheid South Africa and completed a 10 year apprenticeship with a medicine woman from the Xhosa Tribe. His website is His YouTube channel is