The Secret CommonwealthwithJames Tunney

…One point about The Secret Commonwealth, I've just flicked through it a couple times, I know a lot of people love the book. He talks very interestingly about all these different dimensions. But there are some writers who write this type of stuff—I'm not saying about Pullman—and they're talking about fantasy but they don't believe in any of this. They believe that this is something which is constructed. It's interesting. I'm not saying this about Stephen King, I don't know enough about his beliefs, but if you look at It, of course, we're talking about an interdimensional being. If you look at the places, Derry is an Irish word and a place in Ireland. It means an oak wood or a wood. We have these translations, if you like, consciously or unconsciously, going back to this type of fairy lore, not just in Scotland of course but in Ireland which has impacted on the literary imagination.…

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