Faster-than-light Space Travel? | Richard Amoroso

Faster-than-light Space Travel?

Richard Amoroso

Noetic Advanced Studies Institute

Skeptics say it may take 1,000 years and require an energy source the size of Jupiter to operate superluminal or faster than light (FTL) warpdrives. The Alcubierre warp drive metric (considered most advanced); as derived from Einstein’s field equations, Ruv – (guvR)/2 + guv? = (8pG/c4)Tuv, or in general form: Utilizing advanced principles inherent in a Holographic Anthropic Multiverse (HAM), radical improvements to the Alcubierre warp drive model occur that could lead to FTL travel with existing technological prowess. Based on a radical extension of the Holographic Principle assuming a form of ‘Heisenberg Potentia’ inherent in an HD absolute space, simplistically the drive mechanism is a holographic figure-ground effect. The local spaceship (figure) is removed (put in free-fall relative to the background) from the infinite potentia. Then through manipulation of a 12D complex form of a covariant Dirac polarized vacuum (string theoretic) the external domain wall or interstice between the ships warp bubble and the Alcubierre metric becomes a coherently controlled stochastic barrier of leapfroging mini-wormholes key to the drives operation: 1) Shield (ship bubble) constructed from inherent infinite vacuum energy by coherently controlled constructive interference of continuous-state 12D brane mirror symmetry resonance modes of the HAM close-packed cosmological least-unit backcloth structure. 2) The Alcubierre solution is utilized with minimal curvature because of a new set of unitary transformations beyond the Galilean-Lorentz-Poincairé. 3) The miniwormholes arise in a periodic gravitational shock-wavefront interference of the local relativistic (luminal form) and new nonlocal holographic (complex instantaneous form) of the duality of gravitational modes of unified theory. In this interpretation the ‘Warp Factor’ becomes a beat frequency tier of coupled uncoupled modes of the spherical shell within the figure-ground leapfrogging oscillation, R –R’.

Recorded at the 29th annual SSE Conference in 2010 in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

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Published on May 5, 2011
