Institute of Noetic Sciences Consciousness and the Observer Effect | Dean Radin Ph.D | IONS Dean Radin Ph.D discusses the observer effects and the possible role for mind in quantum mechanics. Published on March 13, 2017 Share
Metaphysics and ConsciousnesswithMario Varvoglis February 9, 2024Here he addresses many issues concerning the history of parapsychology and psychical research in France, as well as the metaphysical implications of this research.
The Stories of a Greek Legend, Orpheus January 30, 2024Ronnie Pontiac was the personal research assistant for Manly P. Hall at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles. He is the author of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World. He is co-author with Tamra Lucid of “The Magic of the Orphic Hymns: A New Translation for the Modern Mystic.”
Tonglen – Giving and Receiving Meditation January 17, 2024By participating in meditations from the New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel you agree to be responsible for your own mental and physical well-being. When listening to the meditations, do not drive or engage in any activity that requires your full attention.
Beyond the Five Senses: Leanne Whitney Interviews Russell Targ in 2005 January 10, 2024In 2005, while working on a documentary about the evolution of human consciousness, Leanne Whitney had the opportunity to interview Russell Targ at his home in Palo Alto. This unique circumstance provided an intimate setting for an informative conversation, where Targ’s insights into parapsychology, remote viewing, and the mysterious facets of human consciousness were explored.
Scandals at the AshramwithJulie Anderson February 16, 2024In this heartfelt interview, she describes her situation in the 1980s, being in the middle of a scandal and lawsuit that affected the ashram and still leaves wounds. The discussion also focuses on the guru principle, and the many scandals involving religious figures in all cultures.
Evidence of First GhostswithIrving Finkel January 3, 2024Irving Finkel discovered many clay tablets with cuneiform writing about ghosts from ancient Mesopotamia. He suggests that belief in ghosts is widespread across all cultures and underpins all religions. He deciphered the first depiction of a ghost in a clay tablet that is in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Psychological and Spiritual BlindspotswithPatricia Sun February 17, 2024The fear of confronting ourselves and each other leads to unnecessary suppression of our own higher powers. Patricia Sun, an expert in communications and conflict resolution, spiritual teacher, healer and charismatic speaker, suggests that through a return to innocence we can rediscover our connection with each other in a healing manner.
Aging From Role to SoulwithConnie Zweig September 10, 2021Here she describes the many challenges we face as we enter into the autumn and winter of our lives. Among the most serious of these is ageism, a form of social discrimination that remains largely unchallenged. Other issues include increased helplessness, pain, disease, and infirmity. Fear of death also looms large. These factors all become [...]
The Quantum BrainwithAmit Goswami August 30, 2021Here he builds upon his insight that consciousness is the ground of all being and can also be thought of as the quantum wave function, i.e., the realm of all possibilities. The brain itself does not produce consciousness. Rather it exists within consciousness. Quantum correlations are, ultimately responsible for the coherence of our mental experience. [...]